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Europeisk Satellit "Zappa" & Katalog
Reception Reports

This feature aims at showing on the map the dish sizes that allow a good reception of a beam,
updated upon your own reception reports. Your specific comments for each beam are also available under the map.

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


Detailed reception reports and comments about this beam:

2019-10-30 02:37:04spinner (45.5N-9.2E,120cm) Sat empty

2019-01-08 17:40:59spinner (45.5N-9.2E,120cm) strong signal all crypt

2019-01-08 17:40:09spinner (45.5N-9.2E,120cm) strong signal all crypt

2008-05-31 05:58:43Itar-Tass (56.3N-36.9E,200cm) ? 11104/h/3328 good signal

2007-10-30 13:22:22ivicam6 (42.8N-21.7E,120cm) ? Sa mojom antenom od 120cm nemam prijemni signal ovog satelita

2007-10-24 14:23:14gabi (-,0cm) ?

2007-10-24 14:21:19gabi (-,0cm) ? Carcabuey 37.26ºN 4.16ºO

2007-06-28 09:23:59Chezzdevil (42.5N-2.4E,135cm) Good reception (70%) on kanal-D

2007-04-21 00:33:24costeld2001 (44.5N-9.2E,80cm) one free tool for positionate your antenna :

2007-02-20 16:21:25pride21 (50.7N-1.3W,150cm) ? prima tv very good with 120cm in I-O-W

2006-12-21 11:35:11costeld2001 (44.5N-9.2E,80cm) very good signal for prima tv

2006-12-12 11:59:42djafo (44.3N-17.2E,120cm) can i reseive this satelite in uk.west midlands?

2006-12-12 11:58:31djafo (44.3N-17.2E,120cm)

2006-10-02 03:16:29mbortola (-,0cm) ?

2006-09-15 10:50:07mbortola (-,0cm) ? good reception of prima in isle of wight

2006-06-17 16:10:15mbortola (-,0cm) ? 80 cm

2006-06-09 01:29:46mbortola (-,0cm) ? 70%

2006-04-27 00:03:00mbortola (-,0cm) ? no signal at all

2006-02-16 17:58:19mbortola (-,0cm) ? 0

2006-02-16 17:58:01mbortola (-,0cm) ? 80

2006-02-16 17:57:38mbortola (-,0cm) ? salut! toujours quelque chose ou quelqun au dessus de ta tete

2006-02-16 17:43:29mbortola (-,0cm) ? Prime Tv good reception

2005-10-31 23:53:08mbortola (-,0cm) ?

2005-10-31 23:51:03mbortola (-,0cm) ? Sorry, I forgot it: 38´2 N, 0´3 W

2005-10-31 23:49:25mbortola (-,0cm) ? 1'10 m reception poor. 42 % quality

2005-10-31 23:47:46mbortola (-,0cm) ?

2005-09-18 11:27:14EirS (53.6N-23.6E,140cm) ? Prima Tv 59%

2005-06-15 14:53:07Dorset (52.9N-1.5W,100cm) ? CAN I RECEIVE THIS SATELITE IN UK

2005-01-02 12:01:27valencia (39N-0.9W,135cm) ? muy mal señal en algunas horas del dia para PRIMA TV con un plato de 1m imposible de coher

2004-12-18 19:56:07eles (48.2N-7.4E,72cm) ? fox feeds 70%

2004-04-04 20:47:12 ANTWERP (50.7N-4.4E,120cm) ? FOX FEEDS 50% SIGNAL

2004-03-13 15:35:50Steve (32.5N-34.9E,110cm) Fox feeds only on 11,545H at around 70% signal

2003-10-19 18:52:29Anthony (51.6N-0.2E,140cm) ? strong reception of FTA FOX-FEED 11545H SR3255

2003-06-02 12:36:16SatSearcher (53.7N-1.9W,120cm) A few feeds received, about 50% signal

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


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